Guardians: fr. Adam Jaworski OMI i fr. Paweł Nyrek OMI
The Reader is set up to perform the readings of the Holy Scriptures except for the Gospel. He can give the intentions of universal prayer, and when there is no psalter, he can also make a psalm between the readings.
The first information about an institutionalized course comes from the first centuries of Christianity. As early as 251, Pope Cornelius lists the clergy existing in the Roman Church, among whom there are also teachers. The existence of this office in antiquity is confirmed by Tertullian and Saint. Cyprian.
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Extraordinary Ministry of Holly Communion
The extraordinary ministry of the Holly Communion is a layperson who has obtained a one-time or temporary authorization from the proper Ordinary to administer Holy Communion. Ordinary ministers of Holy Communion in the Latin Church are all priests – bishops, presbyters and deacons.
Established acolytes are ex officio extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion. Carrying Communion to the sick and distributing it to the faithful is part of the acolyte’s ministry to the mystical Body of
Other extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion (men and women) are appointed by bishops or authorized priests. Some of the powers of the acolyte are entrusted to them. The faithful appointed in this way are called for a specific time and can only fulfill their own ministry in their own diocese. Some of them are also sent to the sick with the Communion. They do not receive ministry in the understanding of the motu proprio of the Paul VI Quaedam, but it is a form of blessing to fulfill this liturgical function worthy. Nor do they receive the powers of the proper acolyte; they can not, for example, purify. They are also dependent on the parish priest.