School of Poland Św. Kazimierz
Polish School St. Kazimierz informs that he starts school classes on September 16, 2017. Records will be held in individual classes. Lessons take place on Saturdays from 11: 15-13: 45 for all classes, from 0 to 8. School address 156 Roncesvalles Ave. Toronto. Information: 416-766-4559
Youth Group
In our parish, young people meet in two groups.
The first group, High School youth up to the 12th grade will meet on Mondays at 17:00 in the Knights of Columbus room.
The second group, students of the university / college will meet on Thursdays at 20:00 in the Knights of Columbus room.
At meetings – catechesis, interesting conversations, debates, films and trips.
I cordially invite you!
Father Pawel Nyrek, OMI
Altar Servers
The minister or minister (Latin: ministro, -are; -avi; -atum – to serve, minister, help) is the person who serves the celebration of the Mass and the celebration of the other sacraments and sacramentals (eg blessings, funerals, and services). The altar servers are lay faithful. After the trial period, they are solemnly admitted to the group of the Liturgical Service through a blessing to this function. Meetings take place every second Wednesday of the month. 18:00 (in October, May and June at 17:30) in the Knights of Columbus.
I cordially invite new candidates.
Father Pawel Nyrek, OMI
Bible considerations
We meet for the second Monday after Mass. evening in the parish hall.
Father Pawel Nyrek, OMI, cordially invites you!
Lectors & Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
The Reader is set up to perform the readings of the Holy Scriptures except for the Gospel. He can give the intentions of universal prayer, and when there is no psalter, he can also make a psalm between the readings.
The extraordinary ministry of the Eucharist is a secular person who has obtained a one-time or temporary authorization from the competent Ordinary Minister to administer Holy Communion.
Parish Choir
The liturgy of the Catholic Church emphasizes the importance of singing music as a solemn form of our prayer, especially when we add personal thoughts from the heart to God to artistically made texts.
Common singing raises the mind to God, opens the heart to the inspiration of the Spirit, helps to pray for those present in the service. The church choir is such a group of parishioners who offer their time and God’s voice to perform artistically performed prayers.
The parish choir: “Melody”
Association of Living Rosary
The initiator and founder of the Rosary Society was the then parish priest, Fr. M. J. Smith.
March 4, 1956, at the appeal of priest Smith parish priest, about 60 women came to the parish hall. Ks. At the beginning, the parish priest explained the purpose and duties of the association. Ladies willingly volunteered and enrolled in this Rosary Association. Immediately, the board was elected. Sylwia Dybczak was elected the president, secretary – Emilia Solarska, treasurer – Katarzyna Wilczyńska. The Rector of this association was Fr. M. Smith, parish priest.
The Divine Mercy Association
The Divine Mercy Association was established in our parish on November 30, 1997, and the founder of the parish was Father Marian Gil OMI. Henryka Chrapek has been the president of this association from the moment of its creation up to the present times.
In the time of its greatest prosperity, the average number of 101 members was 101. Currently, this organization is 45 people.
The purpose of the association is to promote devotion to the Divine Mercy as well as personal formation. Once a month there are formation meetings that deepen faith and self-awareness about God’s Mercy.
The Association, through prayer and selfless work, supports the activities of the parish community. On the initiative of this organization, the image of the Merciful Jesus was purchased: “Jesus, I trust in You”, which is in our church