Following the call of the Mother of God, directed by the apparitions at Fatima in 1917 and the example of Magdalena Buczek, who founded the Children’s Rosary Groups in Poland in 1997, in 2001 in our parish the Children’s Rosary Rose was created, whose guardian was Mrs. Danuta Grabowska. Rose members are obliged to recite one-tenth of the Holy Rosary daily in the intentions of their parents. The three basic slogans associated with belonging to the Rosary Rose are:
- there is no day without prayer,
- no Sunday without Mass,
- no month without a holy confession.
Youth and children meet each last Sunday at our church after mass. at. 13:00 on a short prayer and exchange of the mysteries of the Holy Rosary. Recently, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the apparitions in Fatima, children and youth from the Rosary Rosary for the parish presented the History of Fatima Apparitions. Children also take an active part in parish events through the liturgy of words or sacrificial gifts. There are 25 members to the rosary rose. Rose’s guardian is currently Sr. Weronika Marońska MChR. We invite all children to our community.