ŚDM Lizbona 2023

Trudno jest w kilku słowach opisać to co wydarzyło się na Światowych Dniach Młodzieży w Lizbonie. Dlatego głos oddajmy młodym, którzy w kilku zdaniach opisali co sami doświadczyli 🙂

World youth day was an experience that will stay with me forever. I have never felt more inspired and loved by those around me as well as by God. Meeting others from around the globe that share the same faith as me made me feel a great sense of community and gave me so much gratitude for being able to attend such a beautiful event. During the week before the World Youth Day (the days of the diocese) I was fortunate to have lived with the most amazing host family, in a authentic, Portuguese home where they treated us with so much care and love. Although we did not speak their language and they did not speak ours, we still managed to form a connection. In the same week we visited Fatima where we walked to the place of apparition and where the kids lived. During our long walks to awesome events hosted by  wonderful volunteers who lived in Leiria, I was able to talk to those who believe in God and the Catholic Church from all around the world and listen to their stories. The actual world youth day was even more inspiring as I have never seen more people rejoice and be proud of their faith. All around it was the most amazing, inspiring and fruitful experience and showed everyone we are not alone and that the Roman Catholic Church is rich in faith and youthful believers. 


I thought WYD was not olny a great chance to bond and connect with God. but also a great way to have fun while connecting with Jesus. We visited plenty of beautiful holy places and had plenty of fun in the meantime Portugal was a wonderful and eye opening experience. The thing that stuck out the most for me was the amount of people there, and that was a beautiful thing to see


My time in world youth day was a time of reflection, growing closer to God and meeting and greeting like minded youth from all over the world. The trip started off with the Days of the Diocese where there was preparation for World Youth Day, I made new friends, grew closer to old ones and strengthened my faith. World Youth Day was a surreal experience where I got to see how our faith brings millions together, at times it was hard but seeing how many other youth are doing the same thing made it easier, I got to feel a real sense of community, I am so grateful to have been able to see how our faith brings people together and for everything I have learned and it shows me that I am not alone.


My 2 weeks at World Youth Day was a wonderful experience! I had the chance to meet many youth from all of the world who shared the same views as me. We enjoyed many concerts, catechism classes and experiences that allowed me to deepen my faith as well as socialize with incredible people from places like Nigeria, Spain, Poland and so many more. My time at World Youth Day will always be special to me and I am so grateful to ojciec and everyone who helped get us to Lisbon!


Najlepszy sposób, w jaki mogę opisać moje doświadczenie ŚDM, jest przytłaczające. Nigdy w życiu nie spodziewałam się, że będę światkiem tak wielkiego tłumu młodzieży, zgromadzonej w tej samej wierze i nadziei, zwłaszcza w czasach, w których jest to trudne. Mimo odcisków, bólu, i nawet choroby, otaczała nas radość, uśmiechy Boża miłość. Moją ulubioną częścią tego wyjazdu było spędzenie czasu z naszą grupą młodzieżową, bo bez względu na sytuację czy trudności nigdy nie brakowało śmiechu i śpiewu. W każdym z nich widzę Bożą miłość i jestem na zawsze wdzięczna, że ​​mogę być tego część tej spólnoty. Szczególnie dziękuję Ojcu Zbyszkowi, który zabrał nas do obcego kraju abyśmy byli świadkami WYD, i obdarzył nas zaufaniem ze wrócimy do domu w jednym kawałku. 


To były moje pierwsze światowe dni młodziezy i nie wiedziałam czego się spodziewać. Byłam bardzo zaskoczona iloscią młodych ktorzy uczesniczyli. Miałam okazje poznać wiele innych młodych wieżacych oraz umocnić moja wiare przez katechezy, śpiew, rozmowy i oczywiście przez mszą świetą. To było piękne przezycię z młodymi i z papieżem.
To była intęnsywna pielgrzymka, ale jedną ktorą nigdy nie zapomnę. 


Through World Youth Day in Portugal, I had the opportunity to meet many like minded youth, explore the beautiful streets of Lisbon and experience a taste of lovely Portguesue cuisine. However, what was most touching to me, was seeing all of the youth from around the world united for mass and the way of cross in the presence of the Pope. This amazing pilgramage allowed me to both share and strengthen my catholic faith.


My experience in Lisbon World Youth Day 2023 was like no other in my life. It was so unique and was amazing meeting so many other young Catholics from around the world. This trip gave me hope for the Catholic Church and myself knowing there are so many others out there going through similar experiences navigating being a young Catholic in society today.


Za nami piękna przygoda, przeżyliśmy ŚDM w Lizbonie a podczas nich million pozytywnych emocji I jeszcze więcej głębokich wzruszeń, które teraz nie sposób opisać słowami. Trudno uwierzyć ile doznań, wzruszeń i znajomości można zaliczyć w tak krótkim czasie. Z jednej strony oczyszczajaca kapiel duchowa, z drugiej wspaniała przygoda, z niezwykle intensywnym ćwiczeniem dla ciała. Cały nasz wyjazd był bardzo wyjatkowym czasem, a spotkanie z Papieżem okazało się po prostu niesamowite. My młodzi katolicy uświadmiliśmy sobie, że razem jesteśmy mocni i silni!

Do Kanady wróciliśmy bogatsi o nowe przyjaźnie, wrażenia, doznania i pełni jeszcze mocniejszej wiary. Dziękujemy organizatorom ŚDM I całej cudownej Lizbonie za zorganizowanie imprezy z najwyższej półki, a Ojcu Zbyszkowi I innym Ojcom Oblatom obecnym z nami, za ogarnięcie naszej grupy i zapewnienie nam bezpieczeństwa na każdym kroku.

Kłaniamy się wspaniałym parafianom z parafii Sw Kazimierza z niezastapionym Ojcem Proboszczem za pomoc w sfinansowaniu  nam udziału w tych, jakże pięknych wydarzeniach. Wspieraliśmy wszystkich Was modlitwa na wzgórzach Lizbony I wspierać będziemy dalej. Bez pomocy parafii nasz wyjazd nie doszedłby do skutku.

Dobremu Panu dziękujemy za siły i moc, jakimi nas obdarzył, za piękna pogodę, która nam towarzyszyła, a przede wszystkim za czas wyciszenia, za modlitwę i za przypomnienie, że nie samym chlebem żyje człowiek. Wszyscy wróciliśmy cali I zdrowi a Lisbona, przepraszam Lisboa zostanie w naszych sercach na zawsze.

Michał i Oscar

My experience at World Youth Day 2023 was enlightening and fulfilling. It helped me to self-reflect on what is especially important to me in my life. As hardships came, I am grateful I was able to have the wonderful people around me to support and cherish the moments together.


When I first heard about the trip to Portugal for World Youth Day I wasn’t sure what to expect from it. I knew it would be a fun time because I would be travelling with friends and seeing a new part of the world, but I didn’t fully understand how much it would teach me.

World Youth Day was like something I’ve never experienced before, seeing so many people my age coming from countries all around the world to gather and share love for God was such a beautiful thing. Something that really stood out to me was how joyful the experience was, anywhere we went people would cheer and sing, and we spoke to so many kind people from places all around the world. Everyone was so excited and happy to be there, it was amazing.

Another thing I really enjoyed was listening to what Pope Francis, priests from around the world, and speakers wanted to say to us, it was really nice to hear a different perspective than what I am used to at home. It showed me that even though someone is from a place very different from mine, we still share something that is super powerful – our faith, and I really enjoyed hearing new insights about it.

I am very grateful for the opportunity to go to World Youth Day, and I want to thank Oj. Zbigniew and Oblate Youth Canada for making it possible.


Going into worth youth day, I didn’t have high expectations. I was traveling around Europe and to be honest, I thought Portugal and WYD would be the most boring part of it all. As it turns out, it was the best part of the entire summer and one of the best things I’ve ever done in my life. 

Meeting all the young Catholics like me from so many different countries and regions of the world was incredible – and being able to talk to them and communicate with them in English, French, and Polish made it very personal.

If it were up to me, I would do WYD all over again every single time. I am incredibly thankful for this opportunity that was given to me and I will not take it for granted. I will be sure to spread the word to everyone I know so that more of us can enjoy this beautiful event in Seoul, in 2027. 

Yes, Lisbon got quite hot at times and some of us got lost a few times, but we’re all still alive at the end of the day and I am thankful that I was able to experience the city, the culture, and Catholicism from all around the world. Thank you to Oblate Youth Canada for organizing this event and thank you Ojciec Zbigniew for being with us, supervising us, and helping us financially so that we were all able to experience this incredible event.
